Glebe Terrace

Where do you want to be … ?

Filed under WordPress

Easy Adsense and Easy Adsense Redux are very powerful WordPress plugins.  However, there have been some concerns raised on some forums regarding the default settings, what they’re used for Continue reading…

Posted by Tessa on Tuesday, October 27th, 2009

Filed under General

We are starting this web site to share our house of interests with you and yours.  We have many different activities in this house.  Glebe Terrace, as you may have guessed, is the name of our house.

We will be adding to the categories all our different interests including HTPC (home theatre PC) information, music, setting up WordPress blogs, gardening, fish and aquariums, teenage children, crafts, cooking, making money online, and many more.  Continue reading…

Posted by Tessa on Monday, May 11th, 2009